I used this module to create a zine and accompanying moving image piece to document and highlight transgender issues.

Transgender is an umbrella term that captures the diverse spectrum of gender identity. Transgender, often shortened to trans, people may have a gender identity or gender expression that differs from the sex that they were assigned at birth. It is a feeling of needing to be aligned with your core identity.

This work documents the journey of Max, born as a girl and now living life as a boy, and his difficult journey through puberty.

I was honoured to be able to share first-hand with him these experiences and my work is a visual and literal response to his thoughts and feelings throughout his journey. Before commencing this work I was aware of transgender issues, but this has broadened my understanding and I hope the viewers understanding of how difficult it is to live your life like this on a daily basis, and this feeling of being held to ransom in the wrong body.